Weekly Specials Aug 23, 2012

Well, there's been a lot of debate about eggs lately thanks to this UWO study, which claims that egg yolks are almost as bad as smoking. The author of the study, Cardiologist Dr. Spence, had released a study in 2010 suggesting that the cholesterol in one egg yolk is worse than a KFC Double-Down sandwich. (Love to hear that my alma mater is respected for studies that don't sensationalize.) However, deeper investigation shows that the study had some serious problems, and most experts agree that you can continue enjoying eggs! (Phew.)

General Mills in the US is being sued for claiming its products are 100% natural when some of them are not.From the New York Times article
“I’ve figured out now that something can say it’s 100 percent natural on the outside and not be 100 percent natural,” Ms. McKendrick said. “I want to make sure other people making purchases understand that, too.”
Oh, just wait until i do my Supermarket Survival Guide on the Granola Bar Aisle. It is truly scary.

This broke my heart, but I suppose it had to be said. The Food Babe dishes on the ingredients we don't know are in our sushi.

Everyone knows how I love my ricotta (I even included it in my Top 5 Hidden Gems at the Grocery Store.) Now, my favourite combo of fresh peaches, ricotta and maple syrup can be made into a galette! via The FauxMartha

Another one of my all-time favourite recipes is my Slow Roasted Tomato Basil Spaghetti, so of course I can't wait to try this soup! (via Naturally Ella)

Tweet of the Week:

Of course, as we celebrated Julia Child's birthday last week, I had to tweet one of her amazing quotes.
(You can follow me on Twitter here.)

Pin of the week: 

I'm turning to soups lately in anticipation of fall: This one has me dying to try it out.
(you can follow me on Pinterest here.)

Also, I've finally gotten around to putting together a list of my popular posts, food facts as well as recipes (you can find it below the Wholesome Hedonist banner.) Check out what you've missed here!

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